Praised for a voice of "deliciously deep and rich," (Birmingham Post), Hong Kong baritone Michael Chun Ting Lam is a wide-ranging opera and concert soloist. He trained at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Hungary, as a recipient of the Joseph Weingarten Scholarship. He received his Master of Music in Vocal Performance from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, where he was awarded the St Clare Barfield Memorial Bowl for Operatic Distinction and was supported by Opera Hong Kong K Wah International Vocal Scholarship, Foundation for the Arts and Music in Asia Limited (FAMA) Vocal Scholarships and Birmingham Conservatoire Scholarship Fund. Prior to that, he gained his Bachelor of Music from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, where he received a number of scholarships, including Welsh Male Choir Scholarship, the Bernard van Zuiden Music Fund, Mr Ng Fung Chow Memorial Scholarships, The Hong Kong Children's Choir Chan Ho Choi Memorial Scholarship and Michael Rippon Memorial Scholarship. He has studied singing with Klemens Cheng, Gerald Hon, David Quah, acclaimed Welsh baritone Gwion Thomas and the world-renowned Hungarian tenor, Kiss B. Atilla.
Passionate about opera, Michael has sung more than 50 operatic roles and performed for opera companies, orchestras and festivals in Asia and Europe, including Opera Hong Kong, Musica Viva, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong Grand Opera, Silent Opera, Winslow Hall Opera, OperaUpClose, Grimeborn Opera Festival, Passaggio Oper, Opéra de Baugé, Vietnam National Opera & Ballet, Orchestra of the Music Makers Singapore, Lyric Opera of the Philippines, and more. He has sung the title roles of Macbeth, Don Pasquale, Giulio Cesare and Il barbiere di Siviglia, Tonio(Pagliacci), Alfio(Cavalleria Rusticana), Count Almaviva(Le Nozze di Figaro), Guglielmo & Don Alfonso(Così Fan Tutte), Il Commendatore(Don Giovanni), Marcello & Colline(La Bohème), Timur(Turandot), Bonze(Madama Butterfly), Marco & Pinellino(Gianni Schicchi), Talpa(Il tabarro), Escamillo(Carmen), The Four Villains(Les Contes d'Hoffmann), Forester(The Cunning Little Vixen), Bottom(A Midsummer Night's Dream), Belcore(L'elisir d'amore), Lord Guglielmo Cecil(Maria Stuarda), Lord Rochefort(Anna Bolena), Don Magnifico(La Cenerentola), Death(Sāvitri), Le Fauteuil(L'enfant et les sortilèges), Donner(Das Rheingold), Silvano(Un Ballo in Maschera), Mr. Gedge(Albert Herring), Count Ceprano(Rigoletto), Baron Douphol(La Traviata), Dr Blind(Die Fledermaus), Ben Upthegrove(The Telephone) and David(The hand of Bridge), among others. A fan and advocate of contemporary music, Michael has created several roles in the world premieres of operas, including the Young Man 3 in Huang Ruo's Dr. Sun Yat-Sen(2011) for Opera Hong Kong, Sakyamuni, the Buddha in Anna Vienna Ho’s Buddha and the Monkey King(2020), The Monk of the River(2021) and Xuanzang in The Monster of Gao Village(2023) for Tête à Tête: The Opera Festival, The Lead Picker in Daniel Blanco Albert's Autohoodening: The Rise of Captain Swing(2021) for Infinite Opera and Post Workers Theatre, Ah Q in Hing-yan Chan's Kungfood(2023)&(2022 recording) for Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Confucius in Gustav Ka Lok Mak's The Legend of Confucius(2022) for Global Symphony Orchestra; and main roles in pasticcios including Don Basilio in Fortunes of Figaro(2017) for Opera Novella, Argante in Armida(2018) for Zeneakadémia and Eisenstein in Merry Party(2022) for Bel Canto Singers. He also sang the role of Mr. Crow in the Asian premiere of Pierangelo Valtinoni's The Snow Queen for Yip's Children's Choir in 2023.
Michael has also performed actively as a concert soloist. His past concert engagements include: the bass solo in Haydn's Nelson Mass with The Really Big Chorus and Hong Kong Police Choir; the bass solo in J.S. Bach's Magnificat in D Major with Hong Kong Oratorio Society, HKOS Cantata Singers and HKFYG Hong Kong Melody Makers; the baritone solo and bass solo in Felix Mendelssohn's Die erste Walpurgisnacht with Hong Kong Oratorio Society; the bass solo in Handel's Messiah with Hong Kong SingFest; the bass solo in J.S. Bach's Magnificat in D Major with Village Voices UK; the baritone solo in Faure's Requiem with Chesterfield Co-operative Choral Society; the baritone solo in Brahms's Ein deutsches Requiem with The Guild Consort Choir; the bass solo in Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 with Gustav Mahler Orchestra. He has also performed as the baritone soloist in Opera Galas for Red Earth Opera, Midland Opera, Oxford Opera Society, Józsa Judit Galéria, and Holy Trinity Church Coventry. He has also been giving solo recitals regularly, including one at St Andrew's Church Rugby as part of the Rugby Festival of Culture 2019 and one at Hong Kong City Hall as part of Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department's “Our Music Talents” series 2022. He has sung the role of Konfuzius in Gustav Ka Lok Mak's Die Legende von Konfuzius(excerpts) with the Budapest MÁV Symphony Orchestra in the Golden Hall of the Musikverein in Vienna under the baton of Maestro Mak in 2022; as a guest soloist in the CityU Choir: "Bravo! Brava! Bravi!" concert, as part of the CityU Arts Festival 2022/23. In 2023, he was invited to be the guest soloist in the Wong Tai Sin Children's Choir 50th Anniversary Concert. In 2024, he performed a recital at the Hong Kong International Institute of Music, as part of their "I Feel the Art of Spring at HKIIM" annual community circle theatre outdoor concert series and sang the title role of Mendelssohn's Elijah with The Learners Chorus and Orchestra.
Michael was a first-prize winner of numerous international and national singing competitions, including the Hong Kong International Music Festival Vocal Competition, International Music Competition "London" Grand Prize Virtuoso, International Music Competition "Rome", Leamington Spa Competitive Festival, Abergavenny Eisteddfod Y Fenni, Birmingham Conservatoire Singing Prize, Philip Bates Trust Ashleyan Opera Prize, The North International Music Competition, International Music Competition "Таланты XXI века", Quebec International Music Competition, International Music Competition "ИСКУССТВО! ДРУЖБА! МИР!", IYMC Classical Music International Competition, King's Peak International Music Competition, Odin International Music Competition, Swiss International Music Competition, Danubia Talents Liszt International Music Competition, Global Genius Music Competition, Grand Music Collection Italian International Competition, and International Online Vocal Competition "The Song", to name a few. He has been given the Gil Rodriguez Scholarship Award from Opéra de Baugé for his outstanding contribution to the 2019 Operatic Season.
旅歐男中音林俊廷生於香港,以其「沉穩而飽滿(伯明翰郵報)」的聲音活躍於歌劇界,曾與多個歌劇團和樂團合作。林氏隨香港聲樂教育家鄭育民學習多年,並先後得到韓雲龍、柯大衛、英國男中音格威恩•湯瑪士及著名匈牙利男高音傑斯•B• 阿提拉的指導。林氏在香港演藝學院取得音樂學士學位,學習期間獲得香港威爾遜男聲歌詠團獎學金、萬瑞庭音樂基金獎學金、吳鳳州先生紀念獎學金、香港兒童合唱團陳浩才紀念獎學金及聶明康紀念獎學金。其後,林氏獲香港歌劇院嘉華國際海外研究生聲樂獎學金、亞洲藝術音樂推廣基金會聲樂獎學金及伯明罕音樂學院國際學生獎學金,於英國皇家伯明罕音樂學院修畢聲樂表演音樂碩士課程並獲頒發約瑟夫•魏恩加滕獎學金到匈牙利深造,在二零一八年畢業於李斯特音樂學院。
林氏曾演出的歌劇角色超過五十個,合作團體包括香港歌劇院、非凡美樂、香港藝術節、香港大歌劇院、越南國家歌劇及芭蕾舞團、新加坡創樂者交響樂團、菲律賓抒情歌劇團、英國零距離歌劇團、寂靜歌劇團、溫斯洛大樓歌劇團、格里姆伯恩歌劇節、德國柏莎祖歌劇團、法國博熱歌劇團等,並在多個著名劇院亮相,當中包括英國紐瓦克皇宮劇院、韋克菲爾德皇家劇院、布里斯托爾舊維克劇院、溫徹斯特皇家劇院、香港文化中心大劇院和越南河內大劇院等。林氏曾演唱威爾第《馬克白》、唐尼采蒂《老柏思春》、羅西尼《塞維爾理髮師》及韓德爾《凱撒大帝》中的標題人物,其他歌劇角色包括: 萊翁卡瓦洛《丑角》的托尼奥、馬斯卡彌《鄉村騎士》的馬車夫歐菲奧、莫扎特《費加洛的婚禮》的伯爵、《唐璜》的騎士團長、《女人皆如此》的古烈摩及阿方索先生、比才《卡門》的鬥牛士、羅西尼《灰姑娘》的馬尼菲科男爵、唐尼采蒂《愛情靈藥》的貝科萊、《血灑英廷》的薛思爾、《英宮遺恨》的羅斯科、楊納傑克《狡猾的小狐狸》的林務官、奧芬巴赫《霍夫曼的故事》的林道夫、哥柏利奧斯、米拉克萊博士、達佩杜圖、赫爾曼及施萊密爾、威爾第《弄臣》的弄臣及西布蘭諾伯爵、《假面舞會》的雷納托及水手、《茶花女》的喬治奧·傑爾蒙及杜費爾男爵、《遊唱詩人》的佛蘭多、布烈頓《仲夏夜之夢》的博托姆、《亞伯.赫林》的蓋奇先生、普契尼《波希米亞人》的馬切洛及柯林尼、《圖蘭朵》的帖木兒、《蝴蝶夫人》的夏普萊斯、和尚叔父兼任蝴蝶夫人兒子的木偶師、《賈尼·斯基基》的馬可及連奴、《外套》的塔爾帕、華格納《萊茵的黃金》的雷神多納、霍爾斯特《娑維徳利》的死神、小約翰·史特勞斯《蝙蝠》的布林德博士、拉威爾《頑童驚夢》的扶手椅、曼諾第《電話》的班和巴伯《一局橋牌》的大衛等。林氏亦積極為各作曲家發佈新作,為香港歌劇院演出了黃若《中山逸仙》的青年三、於英國Tête à Tête當代歌劇節演出了何雅鈉《如來與大聖》和《江流兒》的如來、《剛鬣》的唐三藏、為無限歌劇團錄製了丹尼·阿爾伯特《自動烏蹬續集之斯威船長的崛起》的揀貨員領頭、為香港康樂及文化事務署演出了陳慶恩《烏龍功夫》的大師兄阿畸,亦為寰宇交響樂團演出了麥家樂《孔子傳》的孔子,並在不少集成歌劇的首演中演出主要角色,包括英國新星歌劇團《費加洛的命運》的巴西利歐、匈牙利李斯特音樂學院《阿爾米達》的守城指揮官阿爾岡特和香港美聲匯《瘋流派對》的愛森斯坦等。林氏亦於葉氏兒童合唱團製作的兒童歌劇,華田朗尼《冰雪皇后》的亞洲首演裡,飾演烏鴉先生一角。
